Welcome to Glasspane Mana!
This is a theme made by Scribblemakes that is styled after older operating systems, but is not 100% accurate. If you're looking to download this theme and install it on your own pages, click on the 'Getting Started' tab above!

First, if you haven't installed the necessary files already, you can get the zip file from this link:

Glasspane Mana V1.0 (Includes HTML, CSS, Javascript, and image files)
Individual files: HTML | CSS | Javascript

Once you have those installed it's really easy to get started! You can either replace the text in the example tabs (what's being shown here) or start making your own windows and adding your own icons. You should look at the Javascript file to customise some settings, such as the name that appears in your start menu. If you'd like to change some of the colours, you can also open the CSS file and edit the variables to suit your needs.
If you're unfamiliar with this theme and don't know how to start, open the 'Customisation' tab at the top of this window.

To get started on your customisation process, open the javascript file and scroll down until you see, or use ctrl / cmd + f to search for: 'FILL IN ANY VARIABLES BELOW IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE THEM FROM THE DEFAULT' Once you've found it you'll see a list of variables that you're encouraged to change to match your preferences. All of the variables have comments next to them that say what they're for or what they do (NOTE: if one is listed as true, you can only set it to true or false).

When you're happy with your Javascript settings, open your CSS file and look at the root code. You'll see a bunch of names connected to image urls and colours, such as bgImageMain and bgColorMain, which you can easily change by replacing the text after the colon. You should save your CSS file and check your site to see how it affects the overall appearance.

The last thing to do is start filling out your site with your own content. Open your HTML file and have a look, see if you can learn from the layout already here. If you want to learn more about the HTML layout, try opening the HTML Guide window.

Welcome to the main window's help window! How can it help you?

What is this? This is a theme called 'Glasspane Mana', which takes a lot of visual inspiration from old operating systems. It allows page makers to easily set up computer-like webpages without all the hassle of figuring out the Javascript themselves.
How do I use this? When you view this page it'll run you through a tutorial on how to set up the site to your specifications. You can also view the HTML Guide where it'll have more detailed instructions on adding content to your site.
Is there code I can copy? The HTML Guide is full of code bases for your windows and explains how to use code that goes inside of those windows.
Why isn't it called a style / layout? This HTML file relies mainly on its Javascript file to look the way it does, rather than only containing a HTML layout and CSS file. If the Javascript file was removed then the page would look very differently (and more importantly, only an error message would be visisble!), so calling it a 'layout' or 'style' didn't fit. It also takes more time to set up than HTML and CSS only layouts!
Doesn't relying so much on Javascript make it unstable / unreliable? This theme won't show to users who disable Javascript, it has a slower loading time than a site that only uses HTML/CSS, and creator error when writing HTML can cause the script to crash and not load the entire site. When using a heavy Javascript site like this, it's important to have a backup page that doesn't rely on it so much (you can even link to that site in the error message box at the bottom of the HTML page).

You may ask: why use something that can break? There are multiple reasons! The first, and biggest one for me, is that it's much faster and easier to use. A creator doesn't need to write hundreds of lines of code to set up their website, or copy elements like the taskbar onto every single page. It all happens automatically for them in the background.
The second reason is that it allows you to do more with your page. Pages with no scripts can't have taskbars with minimised windows or minimising at all! It also lets you make fun mini-scripts to create a notepad or calculator.
The last important reason is that it's fun! This theme is a passion project first so it has to be fun to make.

This theme primarily relies on Javascript to construct it, so you'll only be adding windows (like this one) to your page. The desktop, start menu, and taskbar are generated automatically based on your Javascript settings.

If you're completely unfamiliar with HTML, it's recommended to take some basic tutorials before continuing. Check out the Neocities tutorial collection.

When you know the basics, such as using <a> tags, start going through the tabs at the top of this window. You can also copy the code below to set up a basic window with an attached help window.

<!-- A window with all elements -->

<section title="Example Window" id="exampleWindow">
 <img src="imgs/icon_program.png">
  <a class="tab1">First Tab</a><a class="tab2">Second Tab</a>
 <div class="tab1">Your text goes here!</div>
 <div class="tab2"><span class="indentBox">This text is in a box!</span></div>
  <a onclick="sc_CloseWindow('exampleWindow')">Close</a>
  <a href="">Refresh</a>
  <a href="https://WEBSITE_NAME.neocities.org">Redirect</a>

<!-- A help window attached to the previous window -->
<section title="Help">
 <div>This is a help box</div>

To create a new window, you need to use the <section> tags to contain it, then that section needs an id and a div tag inside it at the bare minimum:

<!-- Minimum required to make a window -->

<section id="exampleWindow">
 <div>Your text goes here!</div>

If the window does not have an id it will become a help window that attaches to the window above it in the HTML file. For example: the 'Welcome' window has an id and appears normally, but the next window in the file has no id. That window becomes a help window for the 'Welcome' window, which comes before it.

You can also add a title to it, which will appear in the header bar:

<!-- A window with a title -->

<section title="Example Window" id="exampleWindow">
 <div>Your text goes here!</div>

To add an image as the window's icon you need to add it directly after the first <section> tag, like so:

<!-- A window with a custom image -->

<section title="Example Window" id="exampleWindow">
 <img src="imgs/icon_help.png">
 <div>Your text goes here!</div>

You can also add two types of classes to it: 'noStart' and 'noDesktop'. These control if your window will be visible in the start menu or on the desktop, by default they're both visible. For this example, the window is not visible on the start menu or desktop:

<!-- A window that's only openable by link -->

<section title="Example Window" id="exampleWindow" class="noStart noDesktop">
 <img src="imgs/icon_help.png">
 <div>Your text goes here!</div>

To see what that window looks like you'd need to use a link like this one
This link uses an onclick command called 'sc_OpenWindow' which opens a brand new window in the centre of the screen. You can also use 'sc_MinimiseToggle' which will open the window from the taskbar if it exists, or make a new window if it doesn't. Either way, you'll need to give it the id of the window you want to open. For example, the link before looks like this:

<a onclick="sc_OpenWindow('exampleWindow')">this one</a>

If you're not familiar with onclick or using functions then don't feel like you have to use them. The theme already adds your window links to the start menu and desktop for you (as long as you don't give it 'noStart' or 'noDesktop').

The content of a window is kept in a <div> element that goes inside of the <section> element. Inside that <div> element you can put anything you want to display on your website, and it's minimally affected by the CSS file so you'll be able to customise any HTML you use.

The <footer> tag is used to add buttons at the bottom of a window, similar to those in the 'Welcome' window. You create these buttons with the <a> tag and your choice of function or href URL:

<!-- A window with a footer -->

<section title="Example Window" id="exampleWindow">
 <div>Your text goes here!</div>
  <a onclick="sc_CloseWindow('exampleWindow')">Close</a>
  <a href="">Refresh</a>
  <a href="https://WEBSITE_NAME.neocities.org">Redirect</a>

If you want to close the window with these buttons, you use the function 'sc_CloseWindow' and give it the id of the window. In this example the window's id is "exampleWindow", so the function would read "sc_CloseWindow('exampleWindow')".

Your text goes here!
This is the first page
This is the second page, with an .indentBox class
Helping text for home goes here